To Artuer

Melvin E. Bellinger II
1 min readSep 30, 2021

Artuer 1


Artuer, son of a star,

This is before your time. I do not yet know to what woman you will be born, but I must not wait. I am compelled to write to you now, so that you are prepared for the darkness to come that I alone cannot prevent. Though powerful my bond to the waters of Yevana, this is not a matter of power, but of its source.

First, allow me a moment of doting.

I look forward to the day of your birth. The thought of you alive and well brings me exceptional joy. That you can succeed me and become ever wiser than myself, is a lovely vision to behold. And though the woman who will give birth to you is not yet with me, I sense her presence is near. In but a short time, she will reveal herself to me, and in her, I will see you.



Melvin E. Bellinger II

Simply an aspiring author hoping to write and publish his vision of a vivid world filled with stories.